Hello World!

Hi, I'm Anıl Berdan Ceylan, a dedicated and versatile game developer with a strong background in computer engineering. I'm proficient in Unity, React, and .NET, and I excel at creating immersive 2D and 3D games, designing responsive front-end interfaces, and developing robust back-end systems. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I've honed my technical and teamwork skills, consistently delivering high-quality projects that showcase my passion for game development. I'm always eager to learn and grow, and I'm committed to making a lasting impact in the gaming industry and providing unforgettable experiences to players worldwide.
Below you can see some of the projects I have done so far.

2D Comic Type Platformer Game (Controller)


This was my first game. We started this project with my friend . I learned so much about Unity while creating the Controller game which is a 20 minutes game demo. We handled the whole Unity Editor and code side. Below there are the systems and mechanics that we implemented.

- Movement 
- Enemy Behaviour
- Teleport 
- I/O system
- Interaction
- Dialogue system
- Map
- Menu
- Sound Manager
- Level Manager
- Ladder Movement
- Checkpoint System

I learned the following concepts.

- Unity2D
- Game Development Pipeline
- Using OOP in Unity
- Debugging
- Masking
- Animations
- Canvas UI
- Prefabs
- Sound
Gameplay Video


Tower Defense Game

My Project

I started this project to learn about Unity3D. I have used Unity free assets. Below there are the systems that I implemented.

- I/O system
- Movement wih NavMesh system
- Tower detection system
- Grid based map
- Currency system
- Upgrade system
- Agent Behaviour
- Wave Manager
- Camera Rig
- Sound Manager
- Level Manager
- Menu 

I learned the following concepts.

- Unity3D
- Particles
- NavMesh
- Scriptable Objects

Gameplay Video
